
Daily Notes

June 1

Last night was honors night for MBA. Great. I was assigned to be an usher and of all things, it rained. So we had to hold it inside, where there is no where even close to having enough room. So the seniors, faculty, and most of the juniors got their seats. The freshman and sophomores had to go watch the ceremony on tv in our cafeteria streamed from a video camera in the theatre. Oh yeah, and those little Junior School people (the microbes), they got excused due to not enough space. I hope it doesn't rain tonight because then they will have to go and suffer through it much like I did as a seventh and eighth grader. It was kind of funny to watch Honors Night on the tv though, because the audience couldn't hear us. That means we were cracking jokes the whole time about awards that are given to the same people every year. Afterwards, I came home and the grades were up. Oh shit, here comes hell. I failed two of them, got two grades in the 70's and one grade in the 90's. And my dad will be pissed. Lucky for me I slept in later today until after he left for work. But I'm pretty sure I'll get it when he comes home.
Also yesterday I worked out at MBA with James and Nick, where I saw "The Great One" in the weight room. Anyways, it was kind of hard to work out yesterday since the weight room was closed on Monday which means I missed a day. But yeah, it was good to work out, and I'm sort of becoming obsessed with my fitness level.

May 31

OK, so school is finally out. That's the big news. So now I can sit around all day and edit these templates for this website, play my new Hot Shots Golf Open Tee on my PSP, and practice as much as I want. This entry will be more of a summation of the past few days, as I haven't updated in awhile. On Saturday night, I went with the family to see Star Wars Episode III. If you want my opinion, go the Half-News link on the homepage and read it there. Yesterday, I went to Brandon's house with Georgia and Michael to hang out where we failed the original intent of going to Brandon's house. Anyways, then we went to see The Longest Yard together and that was fun too. Then when we got back, I failed to inform my mom of where I was and so I couldn't stay any later and everyone was pissed at me. Then I just went up to my room in anger at about 7:30 and didn't emerge for the rest of the night. While in my room, I reorganized all the posters on the walls and played my PSP until about 11:30 when I finally fell asleep.

May 11

Stress and hectic are the two words that describe today perfectly. Latin quiz was supposed to be easy as the teacher said. But of course, knowing Bernatavitz, he lied again. So I hope I did well on that. Math quiz from yesterday that everyone did badly on I thought I did well. But I got an 80, which really pisses me off. Anyways, then I moved to Biology, where I got my take home test back. I got an 88. That makes my so mad. I spent so long on that and to only get an 88? It was open book too. Lunch was poop, like usuall. Then I went to history, where I took a pop quiz on reading that I hadn't done because even though I knew we had reading homework, I forgot the page numbers and so couldn't do it. And we had a test yesterday. Harsh? I know. Then I played Channel One in jazz band where we had a surprise film crew come in and film us for some commercial for the school. Thank God they're overlaying our sound with somebody talking in that commercial because it wasn't as polished as I would have liked it to be. Then I went to English, where that same film crew showed up again, which was weird, and I had another pop quiz. I think I actually might have done well on this one though because I studied expecting one. Then I worked out, which was fine like always. When I got home, I sold some of my old worthless Warhammer 40,000 stuff to some friends and made $100. That was like the highlight of my day. That and all my National Jamboree scout stuff that I ordered came. I got two belt buckles, a belt, a tshirt and a mouse bad for the new computer I'm hoping to get eventually (Mac Mini). Then I did homework, but while I was doing my homework, my mom left the water in the sink on, and it flodded the laundry room upstairs. Which means that the ceiling downstairs leaked and my mom kept calling herself stupid because it was her fault and the third time she's dont this. And my dad found out and pretty much blew a gasket all over everyone. And now I still have to go do some more homework. So, hectic and stress sums up my day.

May 7

Today was a very weird day. I was forced to wake up around 9 in order to get ready for my tutor to come at 10. So I spent the first hour I was up getting ready for him to come just getting dressed and eating breakfast. Then he was at my house tutoring me until 12. I thought my mind was going to explode. Then I left to go to REI and Blockbuster. At REI's Anniversary sale, I was going to buy a nalgene bottle that I saw in the catalogue, but they did not have the one I wanted. So instead, I bought a JUMBO NALGENE!!!! Yeah, it's pretty awesome. It is not made of lexan, which would only make it better, but it holds 48 ounces of fluid. And it's like more than a foot tall. Crazy. Then I proceeded to Blockbuster where I rented The Fellowship of the Ring. When I got back, I tried to fix up my xanga, eat lunch, and do some homework. Then at 4, I was forced again to leave to go to my brother's "Fish Fry" thing at Easter Seals Camp. The fish was awful. They claimed that it was the fish the kids caught during the day, but it obviously wasn't. And it was nasty. Anyways, then they proceeded to have some awful guy sing and play guitar at the same time for 'entertainment', play a slideshow of all the pictures they took today, and give awards to every single kid who was there. That spells B-O-R-I-N-G. It was pretty miserable. I watched my movie on the way up and on the way back, so that made it somewhat worthwhile. And at the silent auction my mom got me one of those weird memory pillows that like forms to fit your head. We'll see how that works out tonight.

May 4

Only news worth mentioning: Guess who just benched their own body weight (150) two times!?!? Sorry if I sound too excited, but I've been working towards that goal all year and it's really cool that I finally achieved it.

May 2

Started off the day by getting a 74 on my Latin II test. I sort of had it coming though, because it was theme day the same day I took the test, so I basically just blew it off. My mom exploded on me for that when I told her (which was a mistake) and because I worked so hard on my take home Biology test that I dodn't finish my Latin II homework for the day. I got my Geometry Midquarter, which improved my day a little. No assembly. That was nice. Biology sucked as usual. During History I took a thirty minute nap because we watched a movie and had a sub. Brandon wasn't at school because he was sick, I'm sorry, so I talked to him during jazz band. Had a pop quiz in English that was unexpected, obviously. I'll be lucky to get a 30 on the quiz. Went to scouts. Talked with the guy who owned most of the WWII equipment from the re-enactment and watched a video recording of the re-enactment. I gave my presentation for Communications Merit Badge, went home, practiced, made the recycling schedule for May, and went to bed.


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